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About Becka and The Big Bubble

Becka and The Big Bubble books were created by Gretchen Schomer-Wendel and her brother Adam Schomer. The colorful rhyming books follow Becka, a little girl on a big bubble, as she travels the world.

Becka and The Big Bubble books are available online at www.bbbubble.com, as well as at Wal-Mart, and Amazon.com.

Becka and the Big Bubble: All Around Town

Becka blows a bubble and travels through town seeing all the townspeople, eventually flying up and beyond town to where the bubble pops. Now Available.



Becka and the Big Bubble: Becka goes to the North Pole

Becka flies her bubble past polar bears, flying reindeer, fields of milk & cookies, and eventually finds Santa's secret workshop. New release, now available.



Becka and The Big Bubble: Becka goes to San Francisco

Becka, along with good friend Ben, pops into San Fran for a journey past sea lions, trolley cars, Haight-Ashbury, and the Golden Gate Park until they find a bubble to ride home on... New release, now available.

Becka and The Big Bubble: Becka goes to India
Through grassy plains and mountains, Becka pops into India for a taste of new foods, customs, historical greats, music, and friendly faces. Somehow she will find a bubble to ride home on...
Other Becka and the Big Bubble adventures coming soon!

Becka and The Big Bubble: Becka goes to San Diego
Becka and Ben fly the bubble down the coast past surfers and  flower fields, Flippity-Flop in sandals on the beach, see all the boats in the city, and make their way to Balboa Park. Once at the world famous zoo, a magical bubble awaits...

In the works: Chicago, Michigan, Australia, Mexico, NYC, England, China, Egypt, and more!


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