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News and Story Ideas

Gretchen and Adam offer a variety of topics related to writing children's books, their inspiration for Becka's travels, and their unique work arrangement.

In addition to being a writer, Adam is an actor/comedian and youth soccer coach who can comment on youth sports, working in entertainment, and working with children in general.

Gretchen is a former reporter and producer who can expertly discuss the importance of developing positive programming for kids and families. She has two young children of her own and can offer insight on starting a business while caring for a family and working with her brother. Gretchen is also an advocate for parks preservation.

Both Gretchen and Adam have traveled extensively and can comment on their own adventures (which inspire Becka's adventures). Adam speaks Spanish.

View their latest press release: Flippity-Free: Becka on iTunes

We can develop stories that are specific to your outlet in addition to the ideas below:

Raising confident kids: How sports and travel build self-esteem and self-awareness. 

Getting kids out of their bubble: Ways parents/coaches/teachers can help kids be less introverted.

Tips for traveling to exotic locations with kids: Adam and Gretchen (and Gretchen's two kids) have traveled extensively. The authors can offer travel tips for parents and tips for kids traveling on their own (e.g., flying to see grandparents).

Conquering “I don’t want to!”: Ways to get your children to try new things (from artichokes to youth sports).

Making reading fun: Tips for parents reading to their kids: how to make books come alive! (Adam can offer verbal demonstration of Do's and Don'ts.)

Introducing kids to the world outside the Internet: You can see just about anything online, but are kids missing out on “life” because of the vast reach of the World Wide Web? Adam and Gretchen can offer tips on ways to pry the kids away from the computer and experience the world beyond their front porch.

This summer's family vacation: Gretchen and Adam can share travel ideas for family vacations to unusual places. They also offer tips to help parents and kids survive vacation time together!

If you would like to talk with Adam or Gretchen, or both, please contact Gretchen at: 760 815 1075

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